Thank you for considering Millennium School during your middle school search! You’ll find information here about how to sign up for admissions events and begin the application process. Please contact us at any time with your questions.
Take a Tour of Millennium:
Meet Millennium Students:
Finding the Right Fit
Parenting is a tough job, and making decisions about our kids’ education can be stressful. Middle school is a very special time, when students are ready to step out of their childhood and into early adolescence. They look older on the outside, but are still young on the inside. We want them to be challenged enough to be ready for high school, yet safe enough to still be themselves and not lose their love for learning.
The good news is… they have you as parents. We live in a community with a lot of great education choices, and they feel your presence in guiding them. We’re looking for students and parents who deeply value self-awareness and reflection, intellectual curiosity, empathy, and continual personal growth. Equally importantly, we’re looking for those who are excited to help build a community, who understand the entrepreneurial challenges of a young school and are inspired to create a diverse, inclusive and loving place.
To us, there is no such thing as a perfect student, nor a perfect school. For parents, we invite your authenticity around sharing both strengths and challenges for your child. We review each student holistically, knowing they are far more than a GPA, and that often their challenges are the ingredients for future strengths.
life after millennium: high School!
Millennium School provides students with the foundation they need to be successful in high school, college, and beyond. While in middle school our students learn how to study, to organize their materials and their time, and to seek out support when they need it. Millennium also provides SSAT testing prep throughout 7th grade, and application counseling to help 8th grade families find the right fit for high school.
We encourage Millennium students to follow their own path, and we are proud of the broad range of high schools our students have been accepted into already:
Bay School
International HS
Jewish Community HS
Marin School
Nueva Upper School
Sacred Heart
San Domenico
STuart Hall
University High School
Urban School
Waldorf HS
SF School of the Arts (SOTA)
Meet the Graduates of Millennium's Class of 2021:
Meet the Graduates of MillenNium's Founding Class:
EquitY & Inclusion
At Millennium School, we know it takes commitment and prioritization to offset systems of oppression and implicit bias. We are committed to becoming a fully anti-racist multicultural organization helping to transform society. This means we are constantly learning about personal, cultural, and systemic barriers in our society to better understand how to create structures of accountability that increase equity.
Millennium School serves both our students and the community best when we include a wide range of perspectives, talents, and experiences. For this reason, we actively seek out faculty, students, and families of diverse backgrounds in areas such as gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture, sexual orientation, ability, and socioeconomic background.
We are committed to our J.E.D.I values (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) in every area of our school community and the world beyond. Our belief in the importance of these values stems from our developmental understanding of identity formation and empathy development. Middle school is the time when adolescents ask and answer three fundamental questions: Who am I? How do I relate to others? What will I contribute to the world? By guiding our students to learn how to incorporate multiple viewpoints and experiences, it enables them to honor what is unique within themselves while developing the ability to affect meaningful change in the world.