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Thank you for considering Millennium School during your middle school search! You’ll find information here about how to sign up for admissions events and begin the application process. Please contact us at any time with your questions.


Take a Tour of Millennium:

Meet Millennium Students:


Finding the Right Fit

Parenting is a tough job, and making decisions about our kids’ education can be stressful. Middle school is a very special time, when students are ready to step out of their childhood and into early adolescence. They look older on the outside, but are still young on the inside. We want them to be challenged enough to be ready for high school, yet safe enough to still be themselves and not lose their love for learning.
The good news is… they have you as parents. We live in a community with a lot of great education choices, and they feel your presence in guiding them.  We’re looking for students and parents who deeply value self-awareness and reflection, intellectual curiosity, empathy, and continual personal growth. Equally importantly, we’re looking for those who are excited to help build a community, who understand the entrepreneurial challenges of a young school and are inspired to create a diverse, inclusive and loving place.
To us, there is no such thing as a perfect student, nor a perfect school. For parents, we invite your authenticity around sharing both strengths and challenges for your child. We review each student holistically, knowing they are far more than a GPA, and that often their challenges are the ingredients for future strengths.


life after millennium: high School!

Millennium School provides students with the foundation they need to be successful in high school, college, and beyond. While in middle school our students learn how to study, to organize their materials and their time, and to seek out support when they need it. Millennium also provides SSAT testing prep throughout 7th grade, and application counseling to help 8th grade families find the right fit for high school.

We encourage Millennium students to follow their own path, and we are proud of the broad range of high schools our students have been accepted into already:


Bay School




International HS

Jewish Community HS


Marin School

Nueva Upper School

Sacred Heart

San Domenico

STuart Hall

University High School

Urban School

Waldorf HS

SF School of the Arts (SOTA)

Meet the Graduates of Millennium's Class of 2021:

Meet the Graduates of MillenNium's Founding Class:


EquitY & Inclusion

At Millennium School, we know it takes commitment and prioritization to offset systems of oppression and implicit bias. We are committed to becoming a fully anti-racist multicultural organization helping to transform society. This means we are constantly learning about personal, cultural, and systemic barriers in our society to better understand how to create structures of accountability that increase equity. 

Millennium School serves both our students and the community best when we include a wide range of perspectives, talents, and experiences. For this reason, we actively seek out faculty, students, and families of diverse backgrounds in areas such as gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, culture, sexual orientation, ability, and socioeconomic background.

We are committed to our J.E.D.I values (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) in every area of our school community and the world beyond. Our belief in the importance of these values stems from our developmental understanding of identity formation and empathy development. Middle school is the time when adolescents ask and answer three fundamental questions: Who am I? How do I relate to others? What will I contribute to the world? By guiding our students to learn how to incorporate multiple viewpoints and experiences, it enables them to honor what is unique within themselves while developing the ability to affect meaningful change in the world.


Please inquire about late applications. Interested in applying to Millennium? Please reach out to to inquire about late applications.

Admissions Process:

Welcome to Millennium School’s Application for Admission! Our application for students entering in Fall 2024 is now open! Click below to begin the application process on Ravenna Hub.

We look forward to getting to know your family. Our application process is outlined below, and please feel free to contact us at any point with questions.

Mandatory Steps:

1. Online Application: We use an online platform called Ravenna for all of our application materials. There are three main components to fill out: a Basic Information Form, a Student Questionnaire, and a Parent Questionnaire. To get started, create an account on Ravenna by clicking here. Once your account is ready, you can search for Millennium School’s online application in Ravenna's School Directory. Our initial application deadline is Monday, January 8th, 2024, but we will continue to accept applications through January 25th. For inquiries about late applications, please contact

2. Attend an Info Session & Tour: Info Sessions offer a chance to meet the team and have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about our school and the application process. These events are designed for parents, while our Pop-Up Schools provide opportunities for prospective students to get to know the school. Register for Info Sessions on Ravenna Hub.

3. Attend a Pop-Up School: These are the most fun parts of the admissions process – a chance for students and parents alike to participate in an interactive learning experience, as an example of our learning approach. We offer three “Pop-Up Schools” during the admissions season, each on a Saturday afternoon. These events are a mandatory application step. For more information and dates for 2024-25, see the Admission Events section below. 

4. Recommendations: Parents should request one Teacher Recommendation Form and one Counselor/Principal Recommendation Form (both located on Ravenna) to be sent to Millennium School from the student’s current school. All of this can be done online. The teacher may have taught the student in any subject in the 4th or 5th grade. Once the request is made, recommenders submit their forms to Millennium School directly, either through Ravenna (preferred) or by email. 

5. Transcript: Parents should request academic records (i.e., Transcript and Progress Reports) from their current school to be sent directly to Millennium School. The release form is located on Ravenna. Academic records should include information from the current school year (as soon as it is available) and from the previous two years. Note that we do not require standardized testing.

6. Pay the Application Fee: We have an application fee of $90. If the application fee presents a hardship, we offer fee waivers for families. Please reach out to for a fee waiver.

7. Parent/Guardian Conversation: After you’ve completed your application, we will get in touch to schedule a 45-minute in-person conversation. We want to chat with prospective parents to learn more about your child, your family, and what you’re looking for in a middle school experience. **Please note: We will contact you to schedule this once your application is complete in early 2024.**

Optional Step:

8. Flexible Tuition Application (may not be applicable for late applicants): For those families interested in our Flexible Tuition program, which creates a unique tuition amount relative to a family’s ability to pay, please click here for further information.


Next steps:

1.     Reserve your place for an Information Session & Tour

2.     Register with Ravenna to be in our admissions process

3.     Reserve your place for a Pop-Up School

4.     Complete an online application through Ravenna

5.     Apply for Flexible Tuition (optional)


Stay in the loop! Sign up here to receive up to date information for our next admissions cycle:


Fall 2024 Info sessions & Pop-up Schools-

(for students entering in Fall 2025)


Join us for a parent/guardian information session and tour of Millennium School! You’ll learn all about our program for your incoming middle schooler and tour our school building, and have a chance to visit a few of our quests. You’ll meet and greet with our team members, learn about the application process for entry in Fall 2023, and have an opportunity to ask questions. All sessions run from 9-10:30am, and will take place in person at our school building. We look forward to meeting you this admissions season! These sessions are designed for prospective parents/guardians only, while our Pop-Up School events are designed for students.

Registration for our Info Sessions & Tours is now open:

2024-25 Info Session & Tour Dates:

  • Thursday, October 10th

  • Tuesday, October 22nd

  • Tuesday, November 12th

  • Wednesday, November 13th (evening, VIRTUAL)

  • Thursday, November 21st

  • Thursday, December 5th

  • Tuesday, December 10th

  • Thursday, January 9th

Sign up for Info Sessions on Ravenna Hub.


Come learn with us! Pop-Up School sessions are the most fun part of our application process, engaging both parents and students in an interactive introduction to Millennium's approach. Over two hours, students will get to meet Millennium faculty and work on a hands-on project together, while parents participate in a separate forum and then witness student presentations. We ask that at least one parent be present throughout. One ticket per applicant. More information about Pop-up Schools will be given once you begin the application process. This is a mandatory application step, and is only for applicants entering in Fall 2024.

2024-25 Pop-up School Dates:

  • Saturday, December 14th - 10am - 12pm

  • Saturday, January 11th - 10am - 12pm

  • Saturday, February 1st - 10am - 12pm

Sign ups for Pop-up Schools take place on Ravenna Hub.


Millennium School aims to represent the full diversity of the San Francisco Bay Area, including a range of socioeconomic backgrounds. We believe deeply that this serves our students by creating a more powerful educational experience, in which multiple social perspectives are honored and incorporated.
To do this, we've created a Flexible Tuition program, which adjusts tuition levels according to a family's ability to pay, as reflected by financial information they provide about their income and assets. Our intent is to make Millennium accessible for all student, including low- to middle-income families. 


Flexible Tuition range for the 2024-2025 school year is $500 - $43,985 depending on a family's demonstrated ability to pay.

We encourage ALL families to apply to our Flex Tuition program.

How to Apply for Flexible Tuition

(For students applying for Fall 2025 entry)

The Millennium School Flexible Tuition program is designed to make a Millennium education possible for all families based on demonstrated financial need and the availability of funds. Millennium is proud to use the Clarity Application to determine a family’s level of financial need based on the information that families share in the application which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts.

To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account. The application typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete. The Clarity Application is also mobile-friendly so you can complete it from anywhere. You are also able to save your progress and return at any time. At the end of the application, there is a $60 fee to submit, and you can share your application with additional schools that accept the Clarity Application for no additional charge. Simply use the dropdown menu in the application to select those schools. If the application fee presents a hardship, please reach out to

Please remember to return to your dashboard after you complete and submit your Clarity Application, as Millennium requires you to upload additional tax documentation including W2 forms.  

The deadline for completing the financial aid application including relevant supplemental documents is February 3rd, 2025 for NEW families, and January 15th, 2025 for RETURNING families.

If you need support during the process of completing your application, there is in-app support available through the “Help” button in the bottom left of the screen, as well as email and phone support at or 206-210-3752, in both English and Spanish. The application itself is also fully translated into Spanish.


Clarity Family Application Guide

Guía de Aplicación de Clarity Para Las Familias

Family Info Night Webinar Dates - All parents are invited to attend any of the following family information sessions to learn more about the Clarity application. Webinar recordings will be available. 

1. September 19 - 6:30 pm Eastern Recording:

Passcode: M3Msw$&J

2. September 20 - 7:00 pm Pacific Recording:

Passcode: p&3+nF6G

3. October 18 - 6:30pm Eastern

4. October 19 - 7:00pm Pacific


Below we’ve captured responses to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question addressed here, please contact our admissions office directly.

+ How many students do you accept each year?

We currently accept a new class of between 35-40 incoming 6th grade students each year.

+ Why did you choose that size?

Current research indicates that the maximum number of people with whom adults can maintain stable social relationships is 100-150. This is a group size wherein any individual knows, relates to, and can feel seen and trusted by another. We believe that for adolescents within a three-year middle school program an optimal size is 100. This provides a small enough community for social safety and a large enough community for diversity of interests and talents.

+ What is the gender balance?

We aim for an even balance of genders. The final tally varies from year to year. Our current balance is 50% girls, 45% boys, 6% non gender conforming.

+ Where do most of your students come from?

Millennium students primarily reside in San Francisco, although we have students commuting from Marin, the East Bay, and the Peninsula. About 80% of our students join us from public school, and the rest from other independent schools.

+ Do you have a sibling policy?

If a sibling of a current Millennium student applies, they receive preference, but not an automatic acceptance. We look at each applicant based on their unique merits and relative to the overall class we are shaping.

+ Do you have a bus?

Millennium currently does not have a bus for its students. We do strongly encourage carpooling, walking, biking, and municipal transportation.

+ How does Flexible Tuition Work?

We encourage all families to apply to our Flexible Tuition program through Clarity. Clarity is a third-party financial assessment service that determines each family’s ability to pay tuition, separate from the Millennium admissions process. Currently 27% of Millennium students participate, assigning them a reduced total tuition amount.

+ When is payment due?

Once families decide to attend Millennium, we consider that a binding commitment and will hold a place for your student. Tuition can be paid all at once, in 2 payments, or spread over 10 months. All tuition payment structures begin being due on June 1 of that year.

+ Is there an expectation for additional financial contribution?

Millennium is a non-profit independent school, and requires significant additional funding above tuition to cover its costs of operations. We currently fundraise from local families and foundations to cover that gap. So each year Millennium runs an Annual Fund, inviting our students’ families and friends to contribute. Any funds donated through our Annual Fund go to school operations, and are tax-deductible. While there is no mandatory requirement to make an additional contribution, we do encourage every family to donate at least some small gift to support the overall community.

+ Do you have a meal plan?

Yes, Millennium offers a meal plan option for families, Choice Lunch. Those families wishing to participate pay for their own meals directly to the provider. Meal plan discounts are available for families on scholarship. Both services offer dairy-free, gluten-free and vegetarian options.


We welcome your questions of any kind about Millennium School or the admissions process. 
Please contact us through any of the methods below, and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.

Ashley Nickels, Director of Admissions & Communications
Phone: 415-992-8520, extension 102
Millennium School Admissions
888 Turk Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Ashley Headshot.jpg