Head of School Transition
Millennium’s Head of School, Roberto d’Erizans, has announced that he will transition out of his Head of School role in June 2025 following a very successful 5-year tenure. The Board has initiated planning for a thoughtful transition process, beginning with the search for his successor. To guide our process, we have selected Steve Morris, a 15-year HOS veteran from The San Francisco School now with RG175, a leading independent school search firm to guide us along the way, and you can find both Roberto’s and Jeff Snipes’ announcements under Communications.
We are all immensely grateful for Roberto’s work in establishing Millennium as a recognized leader among San Francisco’s independent middle schools. We recently received a glowing 7-year accreditation from the California Association of Independent Schools, we are moving into our new facilities this summer, and we have just surpassed the fundraising target of our first capital campaign! All of the goals we set for Roberto when hiring him in early 2020 have been achieved and he is ready for his next professional challenge now that Millennium is well underway in realizing its inaugural 5-Year Strategic Plan!
As we embark on the search for our next Head of School, we welcome your input. There will be opportunities for everyone across the community to share their perspective on how best to shape the priorities, attributes, and talents of the leader Millennium seeks to guide this exciting next chapter in our growth. For parents, this includes participating in an upcoming survey, attending an Open House at the school on May 16th, or contacting us directly with input and ideas. We will share updates along the way as we make progress throughout the transition, and as always, thank you for your partnership in this journey.
Search Committee*
Jeff Snipes*, Millennium Founder & Board Chair
Katherine Dinh*, Millennium Board Member; Head of School MCDS
Kate Moriarty, Dean of Students
Newton Martin, Director of Operations
Lindsay Berk, Founding Guide
Colleen Erickson, Math Guide
Hansen Chan, Parent of Micah (class of ’22) and Miela (class of ’26)
Alka Patel, Parent of Dhyan (class of ’21) and Ayush (class of ’25)
*Millennium Trustees
Search Timeline (Please note that this timeline may change.)
May 2024: HOS Search & Transition Plan Announced
Consultants Visit the School
Community Interviews and Input Survey
Position Profile Drafted and Promoted Broadly
May-July 2024: Candidate Recruitment
September 2024: Semifinalists Visits
October 2024: Finalists Visits
November 2024: New Head of School Announced
July 1, 2025: New Head of School Begins
We will develop a position statement in May and recruit candidates throughout the summer. Our goal is to announce the appointment of a new Head of School by mid-fall 2024. The new Head will assume responsibility on July 1, 2025.
The Millennium.org board oversees both the Millennium School and its broader research and teaching institute programs. The Board is responsible for selecting the Head of School, who reports to the Board. This is one of the most important roles that the Board plays for Millennium. The comprehensive work of conducting the search and guiding the HOS transition will be undertaken by a Board-designated Search Committee with constituents from across the Millennium community (trustees, administrators, faculty, and parents).
Initially, the Search Committee is charged with considering input from multiple constituents and defining the qualities required for the next Head of School. As the process moves forward, they work closely with the Search Firm to review candidates, interview the most viable candidates, speak with references, and make a final recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board will make the final decision regarding our new Head of School.
The search firm will engage all constituencies during their research of our school and institute programs. During their site visit on May 15-16, they will interview staff, faculty, and students, meet with the Parent Council, and host an Open House for parents interested in sharing input in person. A parent survey to collect further guidance will also be distributed that week.
No. An important factor in identifying the next Head of School will be evaluating the degree to which candidates understand, support, and can enhance our vision. Millennium is committed to its mission and vision, which inspired the creation of the school.
No. Roberto d’Erizans will continue as Head of School until the end of the 2024-25 academic year and will work closely with his successor to facilitate a smooth transition.
There will be periodic communication from the Search Committee, via our Board Chair, Jeff Snipes, with updates on the progress. It is important to note that most of the search process must be kept confidential and that fact will inform early communication.
Millennium will share the Coming Soon announcement, position description, search process, and other information relative to finding a great new Head of School on this page.
Apply for the Head of School Position
To learn more, please read the full Position Statement. The application deadline is Sunday, July 28, 2024. The start date for the role is July 1, 2025. Candidates are requested to submit these materials online at:
For an initial inquiry or to nominate a potential candidate for the exciting opportunity, please contact:
Steve Morris
HOS Search Update, August 2024
Letter from Roberto, Head of School
Letter from Jeff Snipes, Chairman, Board of Trustees
About Resource Group 175
We have selected Resource Group 175 (RG175) to lead the Head of School Search. RG175 provides highly personalized leadership and governance consulting to schools, based on the values of integrity, inclusivity, knowledge, and flexibility. Their consultants are considered leaders in the independent school world, many of whom served as heads of schools. RG175 consultants have led searches for schools throughout the Bay Area and across the country. Their expansive network allows them to identify candidates whose leadership and management skills align with a school’s unique culture, challenges, and aspirations.
Position Statement for Millennium’s HOS:
Millennium Trustees* & Strategic Advisors
Evan Marwell* - CEO, Education Superhighway; Past Chair, Burke’s School Board
James Willcox* - CEO, Greenhouse E3; Past CEO, Aspire Public Schools
Jenny Wade* - Founding Trustee; Past Chair of Transpersonal Psychology, CIIS
Denise Pope - Stanford Graduate School of Education, Challenge Success Co-Founder
Rhonda Magee - USF Law School; Author, “Inner Work of Racial Justice”
Lisa Miller - Chair of Spiritual Psychology Dept, Teachers College, Columbia University
Sam Shapiro - Head of School, Marin Montessori School
Bernie Noe - Co-Founder, The Leader Network; past Head, Lakeside School, Seattle
Jim Best - Co-Founder, The Leader Network; past Head, Dalton School, NYC
If you have any questions or would like to provide further input to the process please email Jeff@millennium.org.