Announcing our Salon Series
We're delighted to announce the Millennium School Salon Series: a set of conversations about essential topics in education. These are each small group (10-20 people) conversations about what matters most in adolescent education, what school could ideally be, and how to make it happen. Each will focus on a specific topic, and we aim to draw a range of people: prospective parents, students, educators, scientists, and others. Expertise in the topic is not required; an open and curious mind is all we ask!
Our first set of topics and dates are listed below; those who sign up will receive a few more specifics in advance of each session. We look forward to discussing the future of education with you!
The Mathematician's Lament
July 9th, 7:00-8:30pm. Noe Valley Library Meeting Room.
Many feel that math is being taught in a way which drains it of the natural awe, curiosity, and power of the subject. In Paul Lockhart's famous essay, "The Mathematician's Lament," he argues that math is closer to an art and should be taught as such. Why do we really study math? Reserve a spot at
A Citizen of the World
July 14th, 7:00-8:30pm. Sandbox, 567 Sutter Street.
Most would agree that learning to be a global citizen is an essential element of modern education. But what does this really mean? Can students learn this without travel? If we could do anything, what would an ideal global experience look like for early adolescents? How important are foreign languages in middle school, and can we teach them more effectively than the normal group classes? Reserve a spot at
What is Good Health?
August 5th, 7:00-8:30pm, Avenue - 3361 Mission St.
"Health" class or PE often brings to mind forced runs around the track, or other underwhelming athletic experiences. What if we could step back from this, and ask what it would mean to be deeply healthy physically as an adolescent. Can we expect degrees of mastery from every student in an athletic pursuit? What would we want students to know about what they eat? Is there a place for mind-body practices like yoga or aikido? Reserve a spot at